workshop waitlist

An introductory workshop for learning how to feel & deal with your feelings, transform stuck nervous system responses, and awaken to the goodness of your life.

These 2 hours will leave you with clarity, guidance and permission to live life AWAKE.

Using a gentle somatic framework, you’ll learn:

  • skills to explore & process your emotions without being overwhelmed

  • practices for tending to your nervous system

  • foundational skills for transforming inner pain & chaos into presence

  • how to sustainably care for yourself through whatever chaos life throws at you

    The tentative date is set for:

    Wednesday August 14th, 2024 at 6pm EST

    *Please note this will be a paid workshop as I intend for it to be CHOCK full of education & tools for real life application. Sliding scale will be available to all who need it 🖤

    Waitlist folks will get first notice & dibs to sign up for the workshop when official registration goes live.
    The sales page should be up by mid July, so keep an eye on your inbox for the link to secure your spot!

    Thanks for being here, I hope you’ll join me and the other tender humans who are ready to awaken to life again🫀